Choose Your Own Repairer!


Choose Your Own Repairer!

*** Caution to all insured motorists ***
We have been quality repairing top end vehicles for 55 YEARS and we have seen this industry dragged back to the dark ages by greedy insurers.
Unfortunately, in this age INSURANCE COMPANIES in the name of greed will try to take 'CHOICE of REPAIRER' away from you and send you to one of their so-called recommended repairers who are only chosen for doing as they are told by the insurer.
The modern car with sensors and safety systems cannot be repaired cheaply and must be repaired correctly as per manufacturers' specifications NOT insurance company cheap prices & patched up procedures.
The Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) was brought about by The Banking Royal Commission to pull the banks into line, but guess who owns most of the insurance companies?!
Say NO to your insurer if they insist on sending you to one of their patch up shops and insist on CHOICE OF REPAIRER, and if they won't allow you, ring the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) on 1800 931678 and make a complaint.
Letting any insurance company take charge of repairs is like putting Dracula in charge of the blood bank!
It's your investment and your safety that these GREEDY CORPORATES are playing with in the name of profits.
DON'T TAKE OUR WORD FOR IT! Be sure to check out the Google reviews of any repairer that your insurance company refers you to
Get an honest quote for quality repairs to protect your investment.